Since my last Dr. Appt on July 22, I feel that my life has been in a whirlwind. My thoughts have not been positive all the time and I feel that I have been struggling quite a bit. When I met with Dr. Terpenning on that day, I was able to learn a little more about my disease.
I think the most frustrating part for me is that I am going to be monitored for six months. Meaning that Dr. T is unable to determine where I truly stand at this present time, and is unable to suggest what the next treatment will be because there is not enough data to support how the cancer is progressing or not progressing. Once I receive the data after six months, she will be able to conclude what needs to take place. She took 5 vials of blood on July 22nd. From what I learned, In addition to the blood draw, I will need to give urine on my monthly visits. I hate this waiting game.
I asked Dr. T questions about alternative options to the Western Medicines, starting with Oxygen Therapy. She shared that she didn’t see any published advantages or disadvantages either but didn’t think it would be the best option for me because I am in such an early stage. Dr. T does not support me going to places in Mexico that focus on Raw Foods or coffee enemas that many of the treatment centers suggest that will save my life. Dr. T shared that they are not sanitary and I couldn’t afford to be exposed to an environment that is not clean. Dr. T also said that she believed this will be a complete shock to my body and I could become very, very sick.
I met with Paulette Lambert, R.D., CDE, who is the Director of Nutrition at California Health & Longevity Institute. ((She will be featured on Dr. Oz in the season’s first episode this September!!!)). Paulette agreed that going Raw will be completely detrimental to my body and there is no science or true research behind doing that. She did say that I was eating very healthy already and that I need to incorporate more protein and carbs into my meals.
I have been seeing Barbara Savin, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Healing Energy Specialist at California Health & Longevity Institute weekly. I feel that she truly has been helpful in releasing “energy that has needed to just go”, in her words. I have also had a little bit of spiritual surgery that was the most interesting experience ever. After leaving her sessions, I feel so free, if that makes any sense?
Results from the past month:
*I had lunch with Dr. Barr and my girls (Allison, Shelby, Kari and Colleen) at Dole Corporate Headquarters (across the street from where I work - Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village) three weeks ago. Dr. Barr thought he was just going to have lunch with me, however I wanted my girls to be there too. It was easier for me to have them hear what he was saying, and if they had any questions to ask him, we would all hear it at the same time. He believes that I am doing the right thing, following the correct steps and supports all of my decisions. I heart Dr. Barr.
*Dr. T could not find any tumors on the bones when she reviewed my full skeletal survey. She did say however there was 30% of the myeloma in the marrow. At the present time, my Cancer is not affecting any other organs.
* I had a PETScan at Rolling Oaks Imagery on August 4th which was not a fun experience. This test is more thorough where they can truly see if there is any blockage with tumors. The nurse injected a dye into my blood stream and I had to lay still for over an hour. Thank goodness my Mama was with me as it wouldn’t have been easy to be there alone. I felt very foggy and told the nurse I could feel the radiation in my body. She shared that she had never heard this before, however I told her that I am very in-tune with my body and know that something felt very different.
The nurse then brought me to the next room where I had to lay down into a “chamber”. It was similar to an MRI, however there was a space in the middle. It was a very awkward time being strapped onto a table, unable to move my hands or body for over an hour. Something that I learned from Barbara Savin is to say the following: " I surround myself with white light (the healing light that will protect me) and my intention is to be cured of Cancer. This helped me to relax and not think too hard that of all the radiation that my body was being exposed to. Results from the test are in and Great news -- I do not have any tumors that they could see.
*I also do not have any bone loss. Dr. T said that my calcium is at a stable level and there are no signs of Osteoporosis. I am also not Anemic and my Kidney's are working effectively.
* I do not need a stem-cell transplantation at this time because it is not performed in the Smoldering Stage, which is where I currently am. Timing is not urgent to do this procedure now, however, transplantation may help me live when my Cancer has progressed. The replacement could come from of my siblings or someone else outside the family who has a match. Unfortunately Shira (my twin) would have been a perfect match, but we are not identical twins. Mike ordered a swab in the mail to submit his information to be a donor to the marrow registry for bone marrow. Maybe he is a match too?
* Less than 1/10 of 1% of the population have my Cancer so there are many unknowns, especially for patients in my age range. Since Dr. T is not as familiar working with patients who are as young as me, she will do all the necessary research in other cases to offer suggestions on treatment.
*I am not eligible for Clinical trials, too early in my stage.
*I will become sterile once I go through treatment. Dr. T suggested that I should look at the Fertile Hope website and the International Myeloma website. The transplantation will make me fertile. Dr. T is looking for a crescendo or non-crescendo pattern. If the crescendo pattern started to increase, she would want me to start saving my eggs. If I were to be able to get pregnant, I may be given hormone therapy. If there were problems, I could be given artificial invitro-fertilization down the line. Shira did also say that she would carry our child for us.
Now would not be prudent for me to get pregnant because if the cancer progressed, doctors would not be able to treat me. My cancer cannot be passed on to a child.
What I need to do:
* Eat Healthy, which I already do.
* Exercise more often, at least three times a week.
*Get a Second Option which is scheduled for 12:00 pm, Tuesday, August 17 at City of Hope.
******Mike and I just also returned from Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita, Mexico this week. It was the most relaxing five nights we have had in a long time. Will update more information about my trip soon, just wanted to post some notes as it has been a very long time.
Okay, this was very helpful my sweet. I am glad you are doing everything you need to be doing, Love, Kelli